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Dein persönlicher Begleiter für pflanzlich(er)e Ernährung

Beliebt: Welcher Pflanzendrink passt gut zum Kaffee? Welche Fleischalternativen sind besonders eiweißreich? Zeige mir eine regionale Alternative für Käse Zeige mir Alternativen ohne Zusatzstoffe

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Browsing Archive August, 2021
7 Non-Vegetarian Cheeses You Didn’t Know About

One of the most significant differences between veganism and vegetarianism is the consumption of dairy products. This includes milk, yogurt, and cheese. ...

Vegan Coconut Chicken Curry

This one-pot Vegan Coconut Chicken Curry takes only 30 minutes to prepare. It is healthy yet flavorful. The whole curry is based on coconut milk which makes it ...

FutureTaste - Pflanzliche Alternativen - Tierisch guter Geschmack
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